Previous Events Gallery

Wednesday 19th June - John Oldham gave a very informative and enjoyable demo with lots of tips for finishing items

Saturday 8th June 2024 - Lace Makers Guild Club Demonstration - Four members attended the annual event, and enjoyed demonstrating and eating cakes!  Previous Events

Wednesday 15th May 2024 - Andrew Hall RPT gave an interesting and informative demo turning a stetson hat using various techniques and a musical performance to end the demo.  Previous Events

Wednesday 17th April 2024 - Dennis Wake RPT gave an enjoyable and informative demo turning 3 items and using varying techniques. Thanks Dennis Previous Events

Wednesday 20th March 2024 -RPT Rick Dobney gave a demonstration on how to turn a multi axis candle Previous Events

Wednesday 28th February - Challenge night, making items out of a flat piece of wood Previous Events

Wednesday 21st February 2024 - Club Member Ian Robson gave a demonstration on how to do an owl box  Previous Events

Wednesday 17th January 2024 - Club member, Brian Haggath - My table top collection demonstration  Previous Events

Wednesday 29th November 2023.  Annual competition Novice section:  Previous Events

1st Lloyd with the bowl with spaniel pyrography

2nd Cliff with a finialled box

3rd Nigel Stoves with a bowl

Wednesday 29th November 2023.  Annual competition Experienced section:  Previous Events

1st Ian Robson with the Reindeer pack

2nd Carl with the segmented bowl

3rd Mick with the Rock band

Wednesday 18th October 2023 - Mick Johns RPT Previous Events

Wednesday 20th September 2023 - Graham Phoenix Demonstration   Previous Events

Wednesday 16th August 2023 - Helen Bailey Demonstration Previous Events

Wednesday   July 2023 -

Wednesday   June 2023 - 

Wednesday   May 2023 -

Wednesday   April 2023 - 

Wednesday    March 2023

Wednesday   February 2023 - 

Wednesday   January 2023 - 

Wednesday    December 2022 -

Wednesday  November 2022 -

Wednesday  October 2022 -

Wednesday   September 2022 -

Wednesday   August 2022 - 

Wednesday    July 2022 - 

Wednesday   June 2022 -

Wednesday   May 2022 -

Wednesday   April 2022 -

Wednesday   March 2022 -

Wednesday   February 2022 -

Wednesday   January 2022 - 

Wednesday    December 2021-   

Wednesday   November 2021-

Wednesday   October 2021 -

Wednesday  September 2021-

Wednesday    August 2021 -

Wednesday 23rd June 2021 - Lockdown projects

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