Previous Events
The following is a record of our club activities over the last few years.
All Wednesday evening events take place at our club rooms at Hemlington Recreation Centre, Cass House Road, Hemlington, Middlesbrough. TS8 9QW.
All Wednesdays, other than those listed here, are club "hands on" evenings.
Wed 19: Club member Ian Lockwood has kindly volunteered to do our first live demo this year. Ian is one of our newest members and started as a novice just before the shut down so we are indebted to him for volunteering.
Ian did an excellent demonstration, producing a three piece bird feeder. His demo was interesting and informative, well prepared and almost faultlessly delivered. He was a credit to the club and hopefully an encouragement to other members to come forward and volunteer. He also provided a superb step by step instruction sheet for anyone who wishes to have a go.

Thanks Ian, Well done.
Wed 16th: Tonight's live demo will be split into two halves with club members Mike Nightingale doing the first half and Ian Robson doing the second half. We look forward to an interesting evening.
Mike made a tool handle and a miniature tool and Ian made a 'troll'. Between them they provided an interesting evening. Thanks to both of you.

Mike Nightingale

Ian Robson
Wed 13th: We had something totally different this evening. Club member Beverley Wilkinson held a 'hands on' instructional demonstration on Pyrography.
About half a dozen club members brought in their own pyrography kits and sat round a large table whist Bev gave them detailed instructions and individual help with a set project, and the rest of the club members sat and watched it on the screen.
Unfortunately, although I succeeded in setting up the camera and screen I forgot to switch on the recorder, so I have no still shots of the demonstration to show here. So Bev has come to the rescue and sent me some photos of the superb collection she had on display.

Thanks Bev for a superb informative and inspiring evening.
Wed 25th: GNAAS PRESENTATION. During the last two years we have been unable to do our country show demonstrations and have therefore been unable to give our usual cash donation to our club's charity, Great North Air Ambulance Service.
Consequently club member Duncan Hutchinson suggested a couple of months ago that our members each make something and donate it, then we would have a presentation event to pass all the items over to GNAAS.
This is the culmination of our efforts. A GNAAS representative will give us a power point assisted talk on their work and we will then present her with all the items on display together with a cheque for the money we have collected over the last two years.
We will also offer assistance in pricing and selling of the items at their next open day event.
Tonight will be open to members' partners, friends etc and light refreshments will be laid on
This evening proved to be an enormous success. We had the highest attendance since we restarted last June and the donations of turned items was beyond our wildest dreams.
GNAAS representative Sophie Bendelowe gave a very interesting, eye opening and thought provoking powerpoint assisted talk about the work of the Air Ambulance Service and she was then presented with a staggering 121 turned items donated by our members to be sold at future GNAAS fund raising events.
She was also presented with a cheque for £800, most of which was from the sale of items at our pre pandemic shows and the proceeds of a collection at our late Chairman Stan Lax's funeral a few weeks ago.

Sat 16: Picton Agricultural Show. We have been invited to set up our gazebo, lathes etc. and demonstrate to the public at this show.
It will be our first outside public demonstration since September 2019.
This turned out to be a superb ay. The weather was excellent and Picton Show has expanded and improved dramatically since 2019.
Thanks to new club member Tim Morris for picking up the trailer and making this demo possible.

Wed 20: In house demo by club member Nigel Coates. Content not known yet but judging by previous demonstrations it will be worth watching.
He did point out that after his last demo we closed the club for 18 months !!!
As expected, Nigel gave us an excellent demonstration. He made a large Burr Elm bowl and made a difficult project look easy, providing loads of advice and safety tips along the way.
Apart from our special GNAAS presentation evening a few months ago we had our biggest attendance since we restarted in June 2021.

Fri 12: Demonstration at Pinchinthorpe Walkway Visitor Centre.
Wed 17: Demonstration by visiting turner Mick Hanbury R.P.T. Mick was a regular visitor to our club and this will be our first live demonstration by a visiting turner since the 2019 lockdown.
We are eagerly awaiting this demo and it will be a big step on our road to recovery and return to normality.

This was an excellent demonstration where Mick produced a superb coloured pedestal bowl.
Wed 21: Presentation by club member Graham Hobson. Graham's speciality is stick making with carved and coloured animals' heads on the handles and he will be giving a Powerpoint assisted presentation projected onto the screen via a computer. There will be numerous slides, diagrams and short videos accompanied by a flip chart explanation to guide us through the whole process. There will also be a selection of finished sticks on display.
This will be something new for us and we look forward to a very interesting and informative evening.
This was a very interesting and informative presentation which made for a very enjoyable evening.
Thanks Graham.

Sun 25: Demonstration at Preston Park, Eaglescliffe. This is another popular venue which we have been unable to attend since 2019.
Wed 19: Demonstration by artistic woodturner Helen Bailey. This will be Helen's first visit to our club and we look forward to meeting her.
Helen gave us a superb long and interesting demonstration. She produced an unbelievably thin 2mm bowl and did a small amount of piercing to explain and demonstrate the technique and had some excellent pieces on show. After the coffee break she made a very fine three piece natural edge yew goblet.
Thanks Helen for an excellent and thought provoking evening.

Some of Helen's work
Wed 16: Annual Competition Night.
The topic for tonight's competition was "Anything BUT a Bowl"
This attracted a good attendance, including about half a dozen wives, and as always we had some superb entries on the table.
In the Craftsman class third place went to Graham Hobson, second to Graham Pheonix and first place went to Kevin Russell.
He was presented with the Bill Beeforth Trophy by Bill's widow Sheila.
In the Novice class third place went to Bev Wilkinson, second to Cliff Lightfoot and Steve Jenkins picked up the first place trophy.
Thanks to all who participated and to John and Carole Basford for providing the light refreshments.

Wed 15th: demonstration by club member Brian Haggath
Brian made a bowl with a triple row of open segments. He showed and demonstrated the "Sue Harker" jig and explained how to cut the segments and build up the bowl then after the coffee break he changed to a previously glued up blank and turned the bowl.
The demo was well attended and a fair number of members requested copies of the jig and instructions, so it can't have been that bad.

Wed 15th: A.G.M. A well attended meeting with some lively debate and big decisions made.
Sat 25th: This month marks the club's 25th anniversary and it was celebrated with a Social Evening at Marton Cricket Club.
It was well attended by members and their partners. They were entertained by Stockton and Darlington Ukulele Band
and a quiz and an excellent buffet was laid on.
An anniversary cake was cut by Vivienne Hansell and Sheila Beeforth, widows of two if the three founding members .

Wed 12: Visiting demonstrator Paul Hannaby R.P.T.
This was Paul's first visit to our club and he gave us something completely new to us.
He turned a bowl with a pewter rim and a pewter base, and went into great detail on the procedure of melting, pouring and turning this material.
It was a very informative, interesting and enjoyable demonstration.

Wed 17th: Cub member John Oldham did this months demonstration. He produced an excellent hollow form with lid and finial and three feet, then decorated it with blue and gold.

Sat 20th: Live demonstrations by club members at the Darlington Creates 2023. A yearly arts festival hosted by Darlington for Culture in the Market Square.
Unfortunately we did not attend this event as there was no-one available with a tow bar to pull the trailer.
Wednesday 28th: Club member Brian Haggath did this month's demonstration.
He made a fluted table lamp, demonstrating the use of the long hole borer and use of a router on the lathe.
Photos to follow.
Saturday 15th: Club members John Basford, Mark Wilkinson and Ian Lockwood attended the Picton Agricultural Show. Although the weather was changeable they had an enjoyable day demonstrating to the public.
Wednesday 19th: Club Demo night with Colin Watson RPT
It was Colin's first visit to the club and we had a very enjoyable and informative night - Colin started by turning a bowl and then showed us how he added beading and using pyrography he added lines to imitate a wicker basket. By adding colour to the various shapes he creates some very eye catching effects on the bowls.